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May 9, 2016 Last Thursday was the annual National Day of Prayer. Did you know about it?Did you participate? Do you pray regularly? As Tocqueville discovered, the power behind America is its relationship with, devotion to, and reliance upon the Living God. The Judeo-Christian beliefs of our forefathers set the tone and the foundation upon which our nation stands today. If we allow that foundation to decay or rot away then the entire structure which is built upon it will eventually collapse. Honest clergy and Rabbis who know and choose to follow the living God possess enormous power and are the heart of American greatness. It’s God who “…controls the course of world events; (who) removes kings and sets up kings (governments)…” [Daniel 2:21]. Therefore it’s critical to remember that knowing, following, and having direct communication (a prayer life and relationship) with this living God gives power to His people. Believing, trusting, and relying upon Him will open powerful doors. It provides hope, invites divine help, opens eyes, and builds bridges when accompanied with a sincere intent to be who He wants us to be. In our history, Washington constantly offered prayers during disparate times and critical junctures. He found divine help. We invite each of you, to pray our nation would return to the God of our forefathers; that the discord would be healed; and that “We the People,” and the people we choose to represent us, will be Godly men and women who will seek and follow the divine and perfect guidance that only the Living God can provide. Mark, Bill, and John